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Quick Setup Guide Treatment Overview & Techniques

IPL Tattoo Removal before and after
Avance Beauty Practitioner Resource Page

Reference Source:  Bauman Cosmetic & Research Institute

Pre-Treatment Instructions:
1. Avoid the sun 4 weeks prior to the treatment.
2. Stop all topical medications and skin care products to the tattooed area 72 hours prior to
3. Tell us if you are taking oral antibiotics, antidepressants, antihistamines or other medications.
4. Tell us if you have a history of cold sores, keloid scarring or implanted medical devices such
as pacemakers.
5. If tattoo is on the ankle, bring sandals that do not rub on the treatment area.
6. Wear clothing to your appointment that will loosely cover the tattoo and protect it from sun
7. If pain medication is needed, obtain a prescription at your consult visit and fill prior to your
8. Tylenol is a good option to take prior to your appointment. Avoid ibuprofen and aspirin.
During Treatment:
1. Topical numbing cream will be applied and cleaned off before procedure begins.
2. You will experience heat and discomfort during the treatment. Ice will be applied during
and after procedure.
3. We do not supply prescription pain medication, therefore you must bring your own if you
feel it is necessary.
4. If you take pain medication, you must have someone drive you home.
5. Appointment will be 30 minutes to 2 hours depending on the size of the tattoo.
6. The number of needed treatments depends on many factors but may be 8 or more. Discuss
this with us.
Post- Treatment Care:
The tattoo removal laser treatment will create a superficial burn wound similar to the wound you
had after getting the original tattoo. You will see an immediate whitening of the area, which usually
lasts for several minutes. It is likely that you will develop blisters, crusts or scabs within 12-72 hours,
which may last for 1-3 weeks. The skin under the scab will be pale pink for a few weeks after the
scab separates. You may experience bruising, swelling. Loss of skin pigment in the treated area is
common, and is usually temporary. Healing is usually complete by 8 weeks. Avoiding sun exposure
after the laser will greatly decrease your chances of getting uneven (light and dark) skin
1. Keep the treated area clean and hydrated with Aquaphor, Polysporin or a healing ointment
until blisters and scabs have resolved.
a. Clean the area gently with soap and water and then gently pat the area dry.
b. Apply a thin coating of ointment up to two times a day while the area is healingc. Cover with Telfa non adhesive gauze.
2. You may apply cool compresses as necessary for 24 hours after the laser treatment to help
reduce discomfort, inflammation, or sensation of heat.
3. You may take plain Tylenol, but avoid aspirin and ibuprofen ( increase the risk of bruising).
4. Do not pick at the scab/blister or allow the skin to become scraped, as this may result in
infection and scarring.
a. The blister/scab should remain intact as long as possible it acts as a healing barrier
and minimizes complication.
b. Wet wounds covered with ointment heal faster than dry wounds.
5. Shaving should be avoided in the treated area until it is completely healed.
6. Do not apply makeup, body lotion, or topical medications unless recommended by our
office for 48 hours.
7. Wear a sunblock with an SPF>65 or higher over the area for 3 months following the
8. If the area looks infected (honey colored crusting and oozing or spreading redness), if you
experience an unusual discomfort or bleeding, or if you have any questions or concerns.

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