Permanent Hair Reduction Treatment System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 2 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL Hair
Removal 505-980nm gel and post
treatment healing gel.
Acne Treatment System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 2 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL Acne
410-535nm gel and post
treatment healing gel.
Photo-Rejuvenation Treatment System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 2 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL
Photorejuvenation 505-670nm gel and post
treatment healing gel.
Pigmentation Treatment System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 1 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL
Pigmentation 515-640nm Gel and post
treatment healing gel.
Toning & Tightening System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 1 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL Skin
Toning 640-780nm gel and post
treatment healing gel.
Vascular and Vein Reduction System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 1 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL Vascular
Treatment 630-750nm gel and post
treatment healing gel.
Wrinkle Reduction System
Comes with IPL hand piece, machine, 1 pair of IPL
protective glasses, full instructions, pre-treatment
Dermal Plast, 6 oz supply of IPL Wrinkle
Treatment 450-530nm Gel and post
treatment healing gel.